Wednesday, April 15, 2009

1/3 Done!!!

Wel, the second Chemo treatment is now history. My facebook status yesterday pretty much summed it up: I now have a "professional porcelain bus drivers license" ! Well, yippee.

Having said that I must say that it was not nearly so bad as last time. And I am having trouble remembering to take my anti-nausea drugs so perhaps I am either getting used to this stuff or what they gave me during chemo works better? Can't imagine it would work this long though, so who knows! I know I am just grateful that I feel better earlier.

Today I get to begin the 'leather journal making' class offered through the "Arts in Medicine" an AB Cancer board workshop. I have managed to talk Glenda into coming to this as well. It is a 6 week program and I am really eager to learn yet another craft, but this is one that I think I will utilize as we will learn a traditional book binding method. Always transferable to fabric!

I also hope to squeeze in a stop at Fabricland, looking for a jacket pattern for Mr Milo. Janna seems to lose his jackets fairly frequently and what better way to use up my 'flourescent' fabric than on a jacket that she will lose after the first wearing? There are a couple of other items I should look for at Fabricland but what they are are totally escaping me at the moment. Hopefully I will remember while I'm there, if not it will have to wait.

I haven't been sleeping well as I'm stewing over moving this weekend. While it will be good to have all my 'junk' under one roof, it is sad to see the end of my 'on my own year' but I know this is likely not a permanent move for me, but I guess time will tell. At this point I am really working hard at not saying what may or may not happen but instead letting myself 'go with the flow'. And its odd, I always thought I was really good at that but it turns out I am not so good at it. But I'm getting better :-)

Many many thanks to everyone who calls, emails, drops by for visits or who just drop me short notes. I cannot tell you how much this is appreciated. Especial thanks to Denise for giving up her Thursday to cook a wonderful meal for us, as well as several dishes that are now in my freezer ready to eat. And her Thursday time was probably much more time than that as she researched a ton of cookbooks to find me healthy, cancer fighting food recipes (including many that contain chocolate). Also thanks to Joanne for sharing Easter dinner with us, my sister for sending said Easter dinner already cooked. Many thanks too, to Lisa for driving me to chemo and letting me beat her at cards. And those of you who know me well, know that i am not very good at card games, I seem to lack the competitive gene LOL

Anyway, I better post this now as I need to go have a nap before heading out to my course. Thanks again for following along with me, and thanks again for all your support!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

off the hook

Well I feel like yesterday's post was a bit blah, so thought I'd try again.

Actually this one is just to say that I have NO chemo this week! Which is ok by me. I had needed to have it postponed until Thursday and that was quite do-able apparently except for one tiny little glitch...the Good Friday holiday.

Dr Au wanted me to come the day after Chemo for re-hydration because I was so ill last time. Of course, if I don't get sick this time I don't have to go in, but he wanted me to be able to do that. And because of the holiday I wouldn't have been able to do Chemo is scheduled for next Monday, April 13.

I feel like I have won the lottery! No chemo this week, a chance to get what I needed to get done, done. Yes!!! So now I just have to get to those items on my list. And I get to enjoy turkey! I am a little over-excited about this I know, but hey, you take what you get!

This morning I am going for a manicure. And yes, this is my first time to have one. The chemo has dried out my cuticles to the point of ridiculous and my nails are not good either. Well, they likely have never been that great but they will be later today.

So, thats my wee update for today. Before I sign off I just want to say thank you to everyone for their support, prayers and just being there for me. I can not say how much it means to me to have you all on my side, as it were. Special thanks to Lisa, City Colleen and everyone else who offers rides and diversions on this trip! It means so much to me and there really is no way to repay you all for your kindness except to let you knoe it is truly appreciated!


Monday, April 6, 2009

Chemo Limbo Land..

I was going to get to this last week, but I don't really know where last week went!

Anyway, the last two weeks have been....odd? The second week after chemo was the first week in many (since January 15!) that I had 0 appointments. It took me a couple of days to figure out why I felt so 'unanchored' and I was surprised that it had snuck up on me like that since I had been needing an appointment free week.

And so I painted the closet red. I love it, and I am also very glad that it isn't any bigger than it is. If it had been it likely would only be 1/2 red :-) And I set up my sewing machine, turfed out all the lint, dust etc and got it going. I can't believe I haven't sewn in almost 3 years but there you have it. I have fabric pulled and stacked, ready to get to work on. But wait, where is my rotary cutter????? I searched everywhere, and it certainly isn't where I remember packing it. So, borrowed mom's for a day or two before replacing the old girl.

Which is still resident in its package! Because I overdid it on Thursday and Friday, I have been paying the price this weekend.

Thursday's overdo was brought about by the sudden evacuation of my hair. I was 'blizzarding' hair! And although I had thought I was mentally prepared, it turned out I was no where near that state.... it would seem a person can't really prepare for that, other than to have the best hairdresser in the world ready to squeeze you in at the very last moment! Thank God Kelly did, and although shaving my head was as traumatic for her as it was for me, she was able to sell me on the excitement of the 'total hair makeover' that I will have. Eventually....And 1/4" hair is so much less noticeable when it comes out!

And then of course, Janna and I had to watch the final ER episode until midnite once we got home. I have been thinking since that I can't have a bad hair day anytime in the near future, just bad hat days LOL And fortunately for me Janna is miss fashion and I have several fun, and fashionable hats to wear. Also several 'flourescent' bandannas that I made for myself (they aren't really flourescent, but Janna has 'colour phobia' and she thinks they are :-) ). I don't think I'll go for a wig, I can just see the damn thing blowing off my head and that would be traumatic! Anyway, Thursday began the over-do and I didn't sleep very well that nite.

Friday, Janna, Milo and I went to Costco and then I stopped by City Colleens for a coffee. Got home much later than I anticipated and was unable to we were going for Greek food Friday nite! I love Greek food (thanks Val and Donna for introducing me to Saganaki, although my waist doesn't thank you !) and we had a fun group. Janna and Jesse (and Milo) also joined us for supper.

Turns out Milo is Greek! There he was in his car seat, moving to the Greek music and when the belly dancer came around, well, of course he had to get up and dance! Well, his grandma held him, but he was just having so much fun, and really liking the glittery, shiny belly dancer's costume! He has requested a repeat visit, and of course his grandma is always up for more Saganaki, so we will be back....

But it was a very late nite for me, didn't get home until 11:30 and when I got up Saturday morning I knew my gad about time was done for this weekend. I was so tired I couldn't even think through a knitting pattern that I was starting...and so the rest of the weekend turned out to be very quiet....

So quiet that I turned down an invite from Val and Donna for Greek food! But I had some visitors, my sister Anna came on Saturday afternoon, and Joanne came nice to catch up! And this week will likely be fairly quiet as I am scheduled for chemo...2nd go around....and then there will be 4 left....