Monday, October 12, 2009


Well, that would be ME! I apologize for this, and as always, will try to do better!

As I talked about in my last post, eons ago, radiation began at the end of August. I still can't figure out how 5 minutes can tire a person out so much. The first half of my appointments were around lunch time, causing me to need a nap in the morning and the afternoon. Not very productive, but there you go! I slept through most of the nice weather! And my suggestion to any of you is to never suntan/burn your underarm! I am very burnt in the radiation area, but the underarm is particularly painful. One more week though and it should start to improve. Radiation apparently continues to 'work' two weeks after treatments stop. And I guess it could have been worse, I could have blisters there!

As a further update, the boxes are now gone! We had the garage sale the weekend after Labour Day, which proved to be a good choice weather wise. Although the next two weekends were quite warm, they were very windy and we would have chased everything for miles if we had had the sale then. There were not as many people coming as we had hoped, Friday was mainly just steady and Saturday was dead. I am so grateful to my sister, superwoman in a cast, and City Colleen as the sale would not have happened without them. They did the bulk of everything, I was told to sit down and behave! Fortunately, I did not have much energy so that wasn't really that hard for me to do, but I don't enjoy having people do things for me that I am sure I can do for myself. Call me stubborn,or just plain stupid, but there it is.

All of the 'leftovers' from the sale went to the Drayton Valley Thrift shop via Anna. I have to say it feels good to have that out of the way. I still think I have too much stuff, but there is way less than there used to be so I think I have made a good start!

A couple of weeks ago I thought I'd best get my studio under control. Between the 'chemo' side effects and the fatigue from all the treatments I had only managed to pile things up. But I had my fabric dresser moved into the studio, set up the book case that I had purchased months ago and I now have a very workable space. Again this is in large part thanks to City Colleen who is a genius at organizing both stuff and space. I can't tell you how much easier she made the sorting of stuff in the garage, it seems like common sense to me now, but at the time was a huge breakthrough! What on earth would I do without all my awesome friends!!!!

And so, last week, I began a new project. I will not really talk about it until its done, but I am enjoying doing this project, just for the joy of doing it. No expectations, no deadlines, just do it!
Sgritty likes it when I sew, how can one sew without a cat laying on your project? She is not really sure about the iron, I believe she thinks its just a bit too hot for her :-) She also enjoys it when I knit, its great fun to bat at the yarn when Mom is knitting. She is certainly enjoying being the only cat in the house, and is very happy sitting on anyone's lap if you sit still long enough.

I forgot to mention earlier that Janna, Jesse and Milo moved to Edmonton at the beginning of September. I miss Milo terribly, but I see him fairly regularly and that is ok. It was a tough adjustment for me though, but I have survived. I expect Milo will be walking by Christmas, that boy is just gogogogo all the time. He crawls at a very quick rate of speed, walks around the furniture and generally keeps everyone on their toes! I can't believe how much he has changed in the 6 weeks since they moved but I certainly enjoy spending time with them when I can.

And finally, the Tamoxifen update. I managed to get my 'night sweats' ramped up as the major side effect from it. Fortunately, an anti-depressant seems to keep this well under control and I figure that won't hurt me either. It has been a very stressful year and I will take all the help I can get in coping with the changes that have occurred to me and my body!

And so, thats about it for now. My sister is finally out of her cast and returned to work this past week. She showed me the xray of her foot, looks very painful and she is already looking forward to getting the three screws out that are still in her foot. I hope that it continues to heal and she is back to her normal self very soon.

My hair is coming in, right now it reminds me of my dad's hair but I am hoping that that passes, sooner rather than later. And yes, what is coming in looks awfully gray, but its hair and for that I am thankful!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving all! And please, email or call or whatever. You truly are all treasures to me and your support and love bring me great comfort.