Saturday, July 25, 2009

Chemo 6: The Last One!!!

Well, it seems like a long, long time ago that I was just starting out on the chemo journey. And I have come to the end, at last! I was so excited this week, even though I had appointments for one thing and another all week it seemed to crawl along until.....Friday morning at last!

The Picc line was also to come out which made me happy too. So chemo went well, I hope. I was lucky to be up in the 'penthouse' for chemo yesterday and even more blessed to have city Colleen with me. I have had 4 of my treatments up in the penthouse and I have to say it is my 'favorite' place to have chemo. It reminds me of the bridge of the Starship Enterprise, that big curved edge with windows wall to wall pretty much so you have a great view, well, at least its something. And the nurses station would be the bridge. The nurses up there are awesome, and it just seems to be calmer up there than on the main floor chemo wards. So it was a good day all round.

I was a little nervous about the Picc line removal after the treatment was done but it turned out to be a waste of my energy, which I had thought it likely was. Now I just need to get through the next 10 days or so and I can begin to really build up my strength before I start radiation. I have been very weak since the end of May really, and these last 2 months have passed in a blur of fatigue and at times, pain. But that is almost behind me and I'm looking forward to getting on with the remainder of my treatment.

I start taking Tamoxifen on August 14. And I am determined to not be the "Queen of Side Effects" on this drug. Given that I think I have done my bit for exhibiting side effects during chemo I am hoping I don't go there with Tamoxifen as I have to take it for 5 years! So hoping you can also send me lots of positive energy so that I am having some assistance with mine :-)

Little sis' foot is continuing to heal. She gets one of the pins out this coming Friday and she is very nervous. I will be sending her lots of positive energy that day and I hope some of you will too. I have no idea what that will feel like, but I'm thinking the picc line was way easier...

Glenda has returned to work and is doing very well. I am looking forward to that part as well although Dr Au informed me at my last appointment that he did not want me returning to work until at least December 1st!?! I had hoped for November but I guess I'd best follow his directions as I think he is the expert and not me. After all, this is my first (and God willing) my last trip across this dance floor!

Radiation will be starting mid to late August and going for 5 weeks. From cheering Glenda through that treatment I know it goes very quickly as you're so busy, going to the Cross every work day. But you're not there long, and then you can go home and sleep! Which I understand is not an option but a necessity. I will find out the for sure dates by August 4 and will keep you all posted.

Thanks so much to all of you who email, call and put up with me during this seemingly endless dance of treatment. When I first saw my surgeon, which seems years ago at this point, and he said I would be off for 'at least 6 months' I couldn't imagine that. I am now almost to the 6 month point (Aug 6 to be exact!) and can't believe how quickly that has really gone by. At times it didn't seem to be going quickly but looking back it seems just a blink.

Anyway, thats it for today. No bus driving last nite and although I feel quite tired today I am feeling positive that I am going to do better with the side effects this time. After all, it is my last time for this, God willing!
Take care all!

Friday, July 3, 2009

chemo 5: here I come!

Well, after studying really hard I managed to pass my blood test yesterday and am off for chemo today! I am not looking forward to it but it needs to get done and then....there will be only 1 more chemo treatment! Yes, the end is in sight.

This last one was tough. I am getting a new drug(for me) and its strong stuff! The Dr has reduced the dose for this time as I have been having issues with the side effects. I was actually glad I didn't have hair last time, as if its not there it can't hurt! I hurt from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet for the first 10 days. Had to put Follet's sequel to 'Pillars of the Earth" down as it was too heavy for me to hold. And the brain wasn't really working well enough to follow the story line....ah chemo brain, you have to love it! For any of you who thought my memory was having issues before, well, you have seen nothing yet!

I have also lost my taste sense! Which can be funny if you need to have some one taste test something. I don't notice it most of the time, only when I put something other than water in my mouth LOL I made spaghetti sauce about 10 days ago and only realized when i went to see if it need more 'stuff' that I could only feel the texture, but no taste at all. Now I know I'm not the world's greatest cook, but hey! there should be some flavour. This went on through my pulled pork experiment (which smelled awesome, and I'm told it tasted great :-0 ) and the potato salad effort! Glenda has given me a recipe for seafood salad that I really want to try, but the directions say to mix the sauce to taste, so I think it would be wise for me to wait until there is someone reliable here to taste it for me! And that would not be Janna so looking for volunteers!

Anyway, the chemo quilt is languishing on my sewing table. I have just not had the energy to go and sit at the machine, or do much of anything. Add to that, my nails are really taking a beating from this drug! I was watching TV about a week ago, looked down to see my big toe covered in blood from where the nail had split (down the middle!). It didn't/doesn't hurt but it sure looks funny. I guess I need to be alot more circumspect when I watch TV and not wave my feet around so much????

well, I will try to update well before the last chemo, but no promises at this point. And to update you on Glenda, she has returned to work! I am a tad jealous, normal life? I can't figure out what that would be at this point in time, but my turn will come.

And many thanks to Donna for the 'Celebratory 1/2 way there flowers'. I will post a photo if I ever figure out how to do that. The flowers were and are beautiful and it certainly gave me a mental lift when they came. I am always amazed by how something/someone always manages to do something for me that I need. And I really needed the boost the day the flowers came! So thanks ever so much!

For anyone still reading, I wanted to update you on my sister's foot. She had surgery 2 weeks ago, the foot is 'pinned'. She had an appointment with her surgeon yesterday and apparently she essentially broke the foot in half ! He said this is quite common? The really down side is that she has to be off work for 3 months. This is not a great thing when you're self employed, but at least she will be ok and that is way more important.

Take care all! I am hoping to be up to making some phone calls in a couple of weeks, but if you feel like yakking with me, please feel free to call! I will let you know that I am way better in the midday, the evenings seem to coincide with my energy taking a long walk off a short pier.......