Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Catching up?

Well, its way past time to update this I expect :-)

October seemed to be quite busy running up to my vacation in Sechelt. Don't really know what it was I was doing but everyday seemed to have one appointment or another. I do know that I was more than ready to get on that plane and get 'out of Dodge'

The trip to Sechelt was very relaxing and full of great food. Many many thanks to Anne and Patti for putting up with me for two weeks. I don't know where the time went but it seemed to fly by and suddenly it was time to come home. The weather even cooperated the first 10 days I was there and we didn't get a lot of rain until the Friday before I left!

This trip gave me the opportunity to fly in a seaplane! Now, most of you know that I like to fly in large planes, a 4 seater Cessna is definitely not on that list but I did it and had a great flight. The flight was only 20 minutes and beat the heck out of bus/ferrying it to Sechelt which would have taken several hours. And at the end of the flight I managed to convince Anne that we needed to go to the Lighthouse and have fish and chips which were as good as I remembered them being.

I am seeing my oncologist this Thursday and am hoping he will agree to me not returning to work until January. If nothing else, my holiday managed to convince me that there is no way I am ready to return to work at the beginning of December. The fatigue continues to persist, I am ok for an hour or two and then the wave hits and all bets are off. 9 pm is a very late nite for me at the moment and I seem to be getting up fairly late as well. But I am walking as much as possible so that does help, but my stamina is still very elusive and certainly not around when I need it to be. Last week I saw my surgeon for a follow up and he has ordered a mammogram and is refering me for breast reconstruction (what are they reconstructing???) which is a long process and won't be happening until at least a year from now. I have also been going to a breast cancer support group once a week which has been very good for me. Lots of information has been shared and that is always a good thing.

Bubby (Milo) is growing like a weed! He is getting so big and is walking around furniture and just being a busy little boy. I haven't seen him for a couple of weeks but Janna tells me the top teeth are getting ready to appear and my poor boy is not feeling well during his teething sessions! I hope to see him this weekend, I have missed him terribly while I was away. Definitely need a Bubby fix :-)

Not very much else is new around here. I want to thank Lisa for coming and helping me with cleaning. I use the word help very lightly however, she made me sit in the chair and watch! Also many thanks again to Anne, Patti and Dennis for a most wonderful two weeks on the Sunshine Coast. I would love to move there, and who knows, maybe it will happen.

I hope you will all continue to keep in touch, the emails and phone calls are very reassuring to recieve. I have been not great about replying to many of those emails and I apologize for that as well as promising to do better with that. So, until next time....

Monday, October 12, 2009


Well, that would be ME! I apologize for this, and as always, will try to do better!

As I talked about in my last post, eons ago, radiation began at the end of August. I still can't figure out how 5 minutes can tire a person out so much. The first half of my appointments were around lunch time, causing me to need a nap in the morning and the afternoon. Not very productive, but there you go! I slept through most of the nice weather! And my suggestion to any of you is to never suntan/burn your underarm! I am very burnt in the radiation area, but the underarm is particularly painful. One more week though and it should start to improve. Radiation apparently continues to 'work' two weeks after treatments stop. And I guess it could have been worse, I could have blisters there!

As a further update, the boxes are now gone! We had the garage sale the weekend after Labour Day, which proved to be a good choice weather wise. Although the next two weekends were quite warm, they were very windy and we would have chased everything for miles if we had had the sale then. There were not as many people coming as we had hoped, Friday was mainly just steady and Saturday was dead. I am so grateful to my sister, superwoman in a cast, and City Colleen as the sale would not have happened without them. They did the bulk of everything, I was told to sit down and behave! Fortunately, I did not have much energy so that wasn't really that hard for me to do, but I don't enjoy having people do things for me that I am sure I can do for myself. Call me stubborn,or just plain stupid, but there it is.

All of the 'leftovers' from the sale went to the Drayton Valley Thrift shop via Anna. I have to say it feels good to have that out of the way. I still think I have too much stuff, but there is way less than there used to be so I think I have made a good start!

A couple of weeks ago I thought I'd best get my studio under control. Between the 'chemo' side effects and the fatigue from all the treatments I had only managed to pile things up. But I had my fabric dresser moved into the studio, set up the book case that I had purchased months ago and I now have a very workable space. Again this is in large part thanks to City Colleen who is a genius at organizing both stuff and space. I can't tell you how much easier she made the sorting of stuff in the garage, it seems like common sense to me now, but at the time was a huge breakthrough! What on earth would I do without all my awesome friends!!!!

And so, last week, I began a new project. I will not really talk about it until its done, but I am enjoying doing this project, just for the joy of doing it. No expectations, no deadlines, just do it!
Sgritty likes it when I sew, how can one sew without a cat laying on your project? She is not really sure about the iron, I believe she thinks its just a bit too hot for her :-) She also enjoys it when I knit, its great fun to bat at the yarn when Mom is knitting. She is certainly enjoying being the only cat in the house, and is very happy sitting on anyone's lap if you sit still long enough.

I forgot to mention earlier that Janna, Jesse and Milo moved to Edmonton at the beginning of September. I miss Milo terribly, but I see him fairly regularly and that is ok. It was a tough adjustment for me though, but I have survived. I expect Milo will be walking by Christmas, that boy is just gogogogo all the time. He crawls at a very quick rate of speed, walks around the furniture and generally keeps everyone on their toes! I can't believe how much he has changed in the 6 weeks since they moved but I certainly enjoy spending time with them when I can.

And finally, the Tamoxifen update. I managed to get my 'night sweats' ramped up as the major side effect from it. Fortunately, an anti-depressant seems to keep this well under control and I figure that won't hurt me either. It has been a very stressful year and I will take all the help I can get in coping with the changes that have occurred to me and my body!

And so, thats about it for now. My sister is finally out of her cast and returned to work this past week. She showed me the xray of her foot, looks very painful and she is already looking forward to getting the three screws out that are still in her foot. I hope that it continues to heal and she is back to her normal self very soon.

My hair is coming in, right now it reminds me of my dad's hair but I am hoping that that passes, sooner rather than later. And yes, what is coming in looks awfully gray, but its hair and for that I am thankful!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving all! And please, email or call or whatever. You truly are all treasures to me and your support and love bring me great comfort.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Free Friday!

I have been meaning to update this for a few days but finally remembered. Chemo brain works in strange ways....

Today is the first third Friday I have not had to go to Chemo in what seems like forever. I have been enjoying my week, without having the double whammy coming at the end of the week (blood work/chemo). And August is a month with no appointments in it until the 28th which is my 'final prep' for radiation which begins August 31.

So, what have I been up to???? Not really very much. I am going through the boxes again, finding things I haven't seen in ages. Some of these things I have been vainly trying to find but couldn't reach/locate the box. So I seem to have a lot of 505 on hand now as I replaced mine since I had no idea when or if I would come across it. Some would say I now have a lifetime supply, that is provided I live to be 99! And I am not planning to live quite that long, but that is not in my control.

I have been reading alot as well. Mostly 'brain candy' mysteries, as they don't require a lot of me to get through. I am slowly starting to work my way into more thoughtful books but it is a slow process. I am hoping to start knitting again soon, I have been taking a break from it as my hands were very sore from the chemo and so I have been working on a cross stitch picture.

The cross stitch seemed like a good idea at the time, but time proved that to be an error. The chemo brain phenomenon has produced some 'interesting' issues. Like having to count the number of stitches needed over and over and over. And still messing it up. The strangest thing has been my inability to separate the symbols for two different greens. As a result I have very strangely coloured leaves in the picture. But that is ok, I'm not going to worry about it.

It seems very strange to be done the chemo part of the treatment. It is taking some adjustment, but this is a very joyful type of adjustment. It was very stressful living life in 3 week segments, especially for the past 12 weeks when the treatments were so harsh on me.

One last thing, before I forget. I start taking Tamoxifen today. This is the first day of the next 5 years! I am hoping I don't do any of the side effects of this drug, in fact I have mentally refused to even entertain their existence. Hopefully this will prove true.

And thats it for today. Not too much to say really, but I want to thank everyone who phones, emails and just generally thinks of me. It means a lot to know that I am not doing this alone, even though some of you are a long way away, you are still with me in my heart!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Chemo 6: The Last One!!!

Well, it seems like a long, long time ago that I was just starting out on the chemo journey. And I have come to the end, at last! I was so excited this week, even though I had appointments for one thing and another all week it seemed to crawl along until.....Friday morning at last!

The Picc line was also to come out which made me happy too. So chemo went well, I hope. I was lucky to be up in the 'penthouse' for chemo yesterday and even more blessed to have city Colleen with me. I have had 4 of my treatments up in the penthouse and I have to say it is my 'favorite' place to have chemo. It reminds me of the bridge of the Starship Enterprise, that big curved edge with windows wall to wall pretty much so you have a great view, well, at least its something. And the nurses station would be the bridge. The nurses up there are awesome, and it just seems to be calmer up there than on the main floor chemo wards. So it was a good day all round.

I was a little nervous about the Picc line removal after the treatment was done but it turned out to be a waste of my energy, which I had thought it likely was. Now I just need to get through the next 10 days or so and I can begin to really build up my strength before I start radiation. I have been very weak since the end of May really, and these last 2 months have passed in a blur of fatigue and at times, pain. But that is almost behind me and I'm looking forward to getting on with the remainder of my treatment.

I start taking Tamoxifen on August 14. And I am determined to not be the "Queen of Side Effects" on this drug. Given that I think I have done my bit for exhibiting side effects during chemo I am hoping I don't go there with Tamoxifen as I have to take it for 5 years! So hoping you can also send me lots of positive energy so that I am having some assistance with mine :-)

Little sis' foot is continuing to heal. She gets one of the pins out this coming Friday and she is very nervous. I will be sending her lots of positive energy that day and I hope some of you will too. I have no idea what that will feel like, but I'm thinking the picc line was way easier...

Glenda has returned to work and is doing very well. I am looking forward to that part as well although Dr Au informed me at my last appointment that he did not want me returning to work until at least December 1st!?! I had hoped for November but I guess I'd best follow his directions as I think he is the expert and not me. After all, this is my first (and God willing) my last trip across this dance floor!

Radiation will be starting mid to late August and going for 5 weeks. From cheering Glenda through that treatment I know it goes very quickly as you're so busy, going to the Cross every work day. But you're not there long, and then you can go home and sleep! Which I understand is not an option but a necessity. I will find out the for sure dates by August 4 and will keep you all posted.

Thanks so much to all of you who email, call and put up with me during this seemingly endless dance of treatment. When I first saw my surgeon, which seems years ago at this point, and he said I would be off for 'at least 6 months' I couldn't imagine that. I am now almost to the 6 month point (Aug 6 to be exact!) and can't believe how quickly that has really gone by. At times it didn't seem to be going quickly but looking back it seems just a blink.

Anyway, thats it for today. No bus driving last nite and although I feel quite tired today I am feeling positive that I am going to do better with the side effects this time. After all, it is my last time for this, God willing!
Take care all!

Friday, July 3, 2009

chemo 5: here I come!

Well, after studying really hard I managed to pass my blood test yesterday and am off for chemo today! I am not looking forward to it but it needs to get done and then....there will be only 1 more chemo treatment! Yes, the end is in sight.

This last one was tough. I am getting a new drug(for me) and its strong stuff! The Dr has reduced the dose for this time as I have been having issues with the side effects. I was actually glad I didn't have hair last time, as if its not there it can't hurt! I hurt from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet for the first 10 days. Had to put Follet's sequel to 'Pillars of the Earth" down as it was too heavy for me to hold. And the brain wasn't really working well enough to follow the story line....ah chemo brain, you have to love it! For any of you who thought my memory was having issues before, well, you have seen nothing yet!

I have also lost my taste sense! Which can be funny if you need to have some one taste test something. I don't notice it most of the time, only when I put something other than water in my mouth LOL I made spaghetti sauce about 10 days ago and only realized when i went to see if it need more 'stuff' that I could only feel the texture, but no taste at all. Now I know I'm not the world's greatest cook, but hey! there should be some flavour. This went on through my pulled pork experiment (which smelled awesome, and I'm told it tasted great :-0 ) and the potato salad effort! Glenda has given me a recipe for seafood salad that I really want to try, but the directions say to mix the sauce to taste, so I think it would be wise for me to wait until there is someone reliable here to taste it for me! And that would not be Janna so looking for volunteers!

Anyway, the chemo quilt is languishing on my sewing table. I have just not had the energy to go and sit at the machine, or do much of anything. Add to that, my nails are really taking a beating from this drug! I was watching TV about a week ago, looked down to see my big toe covered in blood from where the nail had split (down the middle!). It didn't/doesn't hurt but it sure looks funny. I guess I need to be alot more circumspect when I watch TV and not wave my feet around so much????

well, I will try to update well before the last chemo, but no promises at this point. And to update you on Glenda, she has returned to work! I am a tad jealous, normal life? I can't figure out what that would be at this point in time, but my turn will come.

And many thanks to Donna for the 'Celebratory 1/2 way there flowers'. I will post a photo if I ever figure out how to do that. The flowers were and are beautiful and it certainly gave me a mental lift when they came. I am always amazed by how something/someone always manages to do something for me that I need. And I really needed the boost the day the flowers came! So thanks ever so much!

For anyone still reading, I wanted to update you on my sister's foot. She had surgery 2 weeks ago, the foot is 'pinned'. She had an appointment with her surgeon yesterday and apparently she essentially broke the foot in half ! He said this is quite common? The really down side is that she has to be off work for 3 months. This is not a great thing when you're self employed, but at least she will be ok and that is way more important.

Take care all! I am hoping to be up to making some phone calls in a couple of weeks, but if you feel like yakking with me, please feel free to call! I will let you know that I am way better in the midday, the evenings seem to coincide with my energy taking a long walk off a short pier.......

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Body Slam

Well, Chemo 3 body slammed me. I have never felt so low in my life and it has been challenging to get through. Thankfully that is behind me now! And chemo 4 is under my belt.

My chemo nurse for the third treatment suggested I speak with my oncologist about a new drug that is out to control nausea since I have driven the bus every nite after the first 3 treatments. I did discuss this with Dr Au and have tried it. And I have to say it works! Expensive, but worth it. And thank God for benefits, or I may have had to rethink trying it. But I now know it would be worth every penny and so far so good...

I am trying really hard to rest and recuperate. This weekend I will sit on the front deck and enjoy the weather, knit and read. Chemo really takes my energy and it is depressive as well. Because I was hit so hard by Chemo 3 I have now added anti-depressants to the mix. I haven't filled the prescription yet, but I will if I need to.

And now for other news. Little sis fell and has apparently broken some part of her foot. She is scheduled for surgery on Tuesday in Red Deer???? of all places to fix what is broken. She is not really clear about what part of her foot is affected, but it is in a walking cast and she has the 'party pack' of pain killers so that is good. I am hoping that Ron will set up her birthday hammock so she can keep her foot up and relax while they are at the lake this weekend. Probably a good thing she is the sister that doesn't like being in boats LOL, but I know I wouldn't let a little thing like a cast keep me out of a boat. Of course, a big thing like a picc line will keep me out of the boat until its out, the risk of getting wet is just too high, and I can't play around with that. But a cast, just peanuts..... anyway, hoping her foot mends well after surgery and she is back to work really soon!

As for me, I will again attempt to update this more frequently. The chemo quilt is coming along, but I can't find my 505 spray and I need to get the background quilted so I can start to attach the flower petals. Anyone know which box that might be in???? (just kidding, i don't even know where to start looking for it! but I am looking and it will eventually turn up!)

Hope everyone is enjoying the weather. It is +20C on the front deck right now! I am so excited, you all know how much I love the hot weather. I don't have alot of energy today, but I can sit and soak up the heat, with my sunscreen on, and finally enjoy some nice weather!

Have a great weekend all!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

1/2 way there...

Not even sure where I'm 1/2 way to, but the chemo is now 1/2 done. And this time it has hit me pretty hard. Not sure if its because I had so long between or what, but lets just say the last 4 days have not been in my top 10.

It was nice though, to have the extra time between chemo's. I got to Slave Lake camping with my sister and her hubby for the long weekend. Its just too bad the weather (the good weather that is LOL) didn't arrive at the same time. But it was very relaxing and I really felt good by the time I got home....

Just in time for a crazy busy week of appointments. First off was the "Look Good, Feel Better" program that Glenda signed us up for. That was the day that I realized that my eyebrows have been vanishing!!! But I know how to fix that now. It was a great day and I enjoyed seeing a very short snappy little wig that I think I may just have purchase, but in a different colour. I'll keep you all posted. Hey, maybe I'll even figure out how to post photos to here, once my camera comes home (I left it in Ron's truck on the long weekend, dumb me!) and I have some to post.

Wednesday was the second last journal making class. Tomorrow is the last one and I will have mine done, its all ready to be bound at this point.

Thursday and Friday were the 'dread' days for me last week. First on Thursday I had the picc line installed. I am not enjoying this hardware, it is in my upper left underarm and I cannot get it wet. And its here for the duration. Oh joy, there went/go my dreams of going out in the boat this summer. And of course, I wrapped up the week with Chemo.

I am learning, very very slowly that I really need to pace myself a whole bunch better. I have commited to scaling back this go around to see if it doesn't help me a bit. I get so tired after chemo but on days that I feel good I tend to 'over-do' and I am having issues figuring out when its 'too far' ....suggestions welcome :-)

anyway, again I resolve to be more frequent in my posting but at this point I'm not going to make any rash promises! I hope you are all well and just want to say thanks to everyone for staying in touch. Your emails mean a lot to me, and make me feel connected, especially on those days that are not going so smoothly....

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The train is in the station

Or something. I have been meaning to post for a while now, but kept thinking I had nothing much to talk about.

I guess I'll talk about the move first. What a great team! Thanks to Anna (for her truck and her back :-) ), nephew Stevie, Jesse, Kelly and Lyle. Little sis says I need an 'clutter intervention' and she is right. I have known this for some time, it was always an issue to find the time before. Now I have ample time, but seem to be lacking in energy. But, I have been pretty good, I am going through stuff and getting the piles organized, mostly in my mind at the moment. Not so good on space just now, but it is coming.

The real issue for me are the books. I am a confessed 'bookaholic' and I will make no apologies for that. Having said that, I think I can safely lose textbooks from university courses that have nothing to do with my current interests like my intro to Japanese texts. Lots of magazines also need to 'get gone'. Of course these will be harder as they are directly related to my fiber art interests so they will take a while to go through. But it will get done.

And then there is the chemo, or not. I had my blood work and oncologist appointment last Wednesday. It seems I managed to fail my blood test which in some ways relieved some of the stress I had been feeling about being so very tired. More distressing is the fact that the one chemo drug which is particularly harsh on veins has managed to trash mine. So now I have to have a 'pick line' installed. And this is proving to be a sticking point, I finally found out yesterday that that appointment is not scheduled until May 21st!!!! My blood should be just fine by then, on the plus side, but this is putting me a month behind the finishing of this stage of the program.
Can you tell I may be a 'wee' bit frustrated?

The leather journalling class is great though. It is very therapeutic to do something that you know nothing about, not to mention it is great to be creating again. I will try to post some photos for next time, but will have to figure out how to do that. I can't imagine that its too difficult, but first I need to get my camera to 'talk' to my computer, they are apparently having a spat at the moment.

I also need to thank Cathy for putting my name forward to the 'Victoria Quilts Canada' group who give quilts to cancer patients. She is very patiently waiting for me to post a photo and it is going to get done as well, but the computer/camera issue needs to get resolved first. If any one who is reading this is a quilter I would just like to put in my 2 cents worth about what a great organization this is. I am hoping to donate some 'excess' fabric to this group for their endeavours. I also took it upon myself to request a quilt for Glenda, and hope that hers arrives soon.

Monday was a greatly productive day here as well. City Colleen came out and helped me to organize my studio. I have been working in there, although very slowly, and once I get everything sorted/organized/gone this is going to be a wonderful space to create in. And there will be room for my Nordictrack, since the wind seems to put kibosh on my walking routine most days. Many many thanks to Colleen for lending me her help with organizing my studio and helping me sort out the kitchen as well.

I will be attempting to be way more diligent about posting, I have fallen sadly behind on this but have been dealing with some mental stress and fatigue issues. Hopefully those will resolve and I can be way more chatty.

Many thanks again to all for their support. I do so appreciate hearing from each and every one of you, you are all great!

Until next time....

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

1/3 Done!!!

Wel, the second Chemo treatment is now history. My facebook status yesterday pretty much summed it up: I now have a "professional porcelain bus drivers license" ! Well, yippee.

Having said that I must say that it was not nearly so bad as last time. And I am having trouble remembering to take my anti-nausea drugs so perhaps I am either getting used to this stuff or what they gave me during chemo works better? Can't imagine it would work this long though, so who knows! I know I am just grateful that I feel better earlier.

Today I get to begin the 'leather journal making' class offered through the "Arts in Medicine" an AB Cancer board workshop. I have managed to talk Glenda into coming to this as well. It is a 6 week program and I am really eager to learn yet another craft, but this is one that I think I will utilize as we will learn a traditional book binding method. Always transferable to fabric!

I also hope to squeeze in a stop at Fabricland, looking for a jacket pattern for Mr Milo. Janna seems to lose his jackets fairly frequently and what better way to use up my 'flourescent' fabric than on a jacket that she will lose after the first wearing? There are a couple of other items I should look for at Fabricland but what they are are totally escaping me at the moment. Hopefully I will remember while I'm there, if not it will have to wait.

I haven't been sleeping well as I'm stewing over moving this weekend. While it will be good to have all my 'junk' under one roof, it is sad to see the end of my 'on my own year' but I know this is likely not a permanent move for me, but I guess time will tell. At this point I am really working hard at not saying what may or may not happen but instead letting myself 'go with the flow'. And its odd, I always thought I was really good at that but it turns out I am not so good at it. But I'm getting better :-)

Many many thanks to everyone who calls, emails, drops by for visits or who just drop me short notes. I cannot tell you how much this is appreciated. Especial thanks to Denise for giving up her Thursday to cook a wonderful meal for us, as well as several dishes that are now in my freezer ready to eat. And her Thursday time was probably much more time than that as she researched a ton of cookbooks to find me healthy, cancer fighting food recipes (including many that contain chocolate). Also thanks to Joanne for sharing Easter dinner with us, my sister for sending said Easter dinner already cooked. Many thanks too, to Lisa for driving me to chemo and letting me beat her at cards. And those of you who know me well, know that i am not very good at card games, I seem to lack the competitive gene LOL

Anyway, I better post this now as I need to go have a nap before heading out to my course. Thanks again for following along with me, and thanks again for all your support!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

off the hook

Well I feel like yesterday's post was a bit blah, so thought I'd try again.

Actually this one is just to say that I have NO chemo this week! Which is ok by me. I had needed to have it postponed until Thursday and that was quite do-able apparently except for one tiny little glitch...the Good Friday holiday.

Dr Au wanted me to come the day after Chemo for re-hydration because I was so ill last time. Of course, if I don't get sick this time I don't have to go in, but he wanted me to be able to do that. And because of the holiday I wouldn't have been able to do so....so Chemo is scheduled for next Monday, April 13.

I feel like I have won the lottery! No chemo this week, a chance to get what I needed to get done, done. Yes!!! So now I just have to get to those items on my list. And I get to enjoy turkey! I am a little over-excited about this I know, but hey, you take what you get!

This morning I am going for a manicure. And yes, this is my first time to have one. The chemo has dried out my cuticles to the point of ridiculous and my nails are not good either. Well, they likely have never been that great but they will be later today.

So, thats my wee update for today. Before I sign off I just want to say thank you to everyone for their support, prayers and just being there for me. I can not say how much it means to me to have you all on my side, as it were. Special thanks to Lisa, City Colleen and everyone else who offers rides and diversions on this trip! It means so much to me and there really is no way to repay you all for your kindness except to let you knoe it is truly appreciated!


Monday, April 6, 2009

Chemo Limbo Land..

I was going to get to this last week, but I don't really know where last week went!

Anyway, the last two weeks have been....odd? The second week after chemo was the first week in many (since January 15!) that I had 0 appointments. It took me a couple of days to figure out why I felt so 'unanchored' and I was surprised that it had snuck up on me like that since I had been needing an appointment free week.

And so I painted the closet red. I love it, and I am also very glad that it isn't any bigger than it is. If it had been it likely would only be 1/2 red :-) And I set up my sewing machine, turfed out all the lint, dust etc and got it going. I can't believe I haven't sewn in almost 3 years but there you have it. I have fabric pulled and stacked, ready to get to work on. But wait, where is my rotary cutter????? I searched everywhere, and it certainly isn't where I remember packing it. So, borrowed mom's for a day or two before replacing the old girl.

Which is still resident in its package! Because I overdid it on Thursday and Friday, I have been paying the price this weekend.

Thursday's overdo was brought about by the sudden evacuation of my hair. I was 'blizzarding' hair! And although I had thought I was mentally prepared, it turned out I was no where near that state.... it would seem a person can't really prepare for that, other than to have the best hairdresser in the world ready to squeeze you in at the very last moment! Thank God Kelly did, and although shaving my head was as traumatic for her as it was for me, she was able to sell me on the excitement of the 'total hair makeover' that I will have. Eventually....And 1/4" hair is so much less noticeable when it comes out!

And then of course, Janna and I had to watch the final ER episode until midnite once we got home. I have been thinking since that I can't have a bad hair day anytime in the near future, just bad hat days LOL And fortunately for me Janna is miss fashion and I have several fun, and fashionable hats to wear. Also several 'flourescent' bandannas that I made for myself (they aren't really flourescent, but Janna has 'colour phobia' and she thinks they are :-) ). I don't think I'll go for a wig, I can just see the damn thing blowing off my head and that would be traumatic! Anyway, Thursday began the over-do and I didn't sleep very well that nite.

Friday, Janna, Milo and I went to Costco and then I stopped by City Colleens for a coffee. Got home much later than I anticipated and was unable to nap...as we were going for Greek food Friday nite! I love Greek food (thanks Val and Donna for introducing me to Saganaki, although my waist doesn't thank you !) and we had a fun group. Janna and Jesse (and Milo) also joined us for supper.

Turns out Milo is Greek! There he was in his car seat, moving to the Greek music and when the belly dancer came around, well, of course he had to get up and dance! Well, his grandma held him, but he was just having so much fun, and really liking the glittery, shiny belly dancer's costume! He has requested a repeat visit, and of course his grandma is always up for more Saganaki, so we will be back....

But it was a very late nite for me, didn't get home until 11:30 and when I got up Saturday morning I knew my gad about time was done for this weekend. I was so tired I couldn't even think through a knitting pattern that I was starting...and so the rest of the weekend turned out to be very quiet....

So quiet that I turned down an invite from Val and Donna for Greek food! But I had some visitors, my sister Anna came on Saturday afternoon, and Joanne came yesterday...so nice to catch up! And this week will likely be fairly quiet as I am scheduled for chemo...2nd go around....and then there will be 4 left....

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Step 4a: The first of 6 Chemo treatments...but first let me tell you about Glenda..

Well, its day 2 post-chemo. I really wanted to post yesterday but while the mind was almost there the body was certainly not.

When they tell you Chemo doesn't hurt they are right. If you discount getting the IV put in that is...which is only nasty if you look I find. And I don't look so its not so bad. And you know you're far gone when you have port envy LOL I was busy admiring everyone else's port, including my friend Glenda who came to visit with Lyle and I while I was getting my chemo. Anyway, you only get a port if your veins aren't good apparently, so that was the end of my port envy :-)

I think some of you may not know about Glenda. I met her through Lyle when he worked at Zedi. The November before the last one (sorry the math brain is off today!) and she had just landed a job with a new and much better employer. Fast forward 9 months, or June of last year and she contacted me as she knew I was seeking a new position with better benefits and pay, when she told me about my current position and to get my resume in asap. Anyhoo, her and I have become good friends over the time I've known her.

The real irony in this is that just shortly after I had noticed my lump, but before I got in touch with the Dr (idiot that I am!), she was diagnosed with breast cancer. And so, once she told me, then I got my butt in gear. She has a different type of breast cancer, it is very aggressive and she was lucky to get in the clinical trial for Avastin. Avastin was in the news in the past couple of weeks here in Alberta as the AB gov't finally approved it for use in colo-rectal cancer.

I call Glenda my tour guide, and I have promised to get her a 'safari' hat so everyone will know she is my tour guide and mentor during this crappy dance. She is a step ahead of me in the dance, her last chemo treatment is at the end of this month and in late April she will begin radiation therapy. If you have a moment please say a prayer on behalf of Glenda as well.

It was great to have her at Chemo for support I must say. We get different drugs, but we both have a slightly wacked sense of humour so we laughed and joked. Lyle even had to join in with us so I guess it was contagious.

Anyway, I guess I should get back to the chemo stuff. The one thing I found different was that I thought the 3 drugs would be in one bag, no way....one at a time! Anyway, they give you an anit-nausea drug first, that took 20-30 minutes I guess. The next one was the E in FEC, Epirubicin. Now most of you know I have developed a huge fondness for red over the past 4 or 5 years but that may be about to end! This is one nasty drug and is bright red in colour! It looks nasty and it is nasty but I guess it does the trick. The E took about 30 minutes or so, and then they did the 5-FU push, which is the F in FEC. I am sure you know what jokes I was cracking when the nurse told me she was doing the FU push now! Very appropriately named if you ask me, which of course no one has. :-) The last drug was the C in FEC which name completely escapes me. Since it was going on for 1:30 pm and I had been there since 11 am I was getting antsy to get the heck out of there. So of course this one and the 'flush' seemed like it took forever. I could hardly wait to leave, I just wanted to go home by now.

We stopped to eat on the way home, which was a good thing. Then a quick stop at Sobey's and home by 4:30pm. I was starting to feel 'weird' and very cold. So I got settled in with my blanket and had a short nap. When I woke up I was still feeling weird, actually weirder if that is possible. I declined to eat supper, just didn't feel right and kept drinking water and water and water. It is a good thing I like water as it is necessary to up your intake considerably during the course of chemo...and none of those caffeinated bevy's either. So I have a acquired a large stock of decaf teas, but I am still having my coffee in the morning...

Anyway I went to bed very early, right after Project Runway Canada ( which is a discussion for another day, contact me privately if you wish to discuss this LOL). At 9:30 I was racing for the bathroom, I was so sick to my stomach! And that continued all nite. Thank God Janna was up at 10:30 as I called the triage nurse at the Cross because I had been sick three times by that point and could not think what I should do. Anyway, Janna and Milo ran into Leduc for some Gravol (and not the by mouth type!) and that did settle things down somewhat. Even my Sgritty Kat knew I wasn't well, she stuck to me like glue, all nite and most of yesterday as well.

Yesterday was hugely nasty, but the nausea abated as the day went along. I was really glad I had grabbed that fruit cup at Sobey's on the way home. And Jello will be made the day of chemo next time! I managed to get some rice down last nite and today I am feeling alot better. I hope this continues.

Sorry for the length of this post, but I really wanted to tell you about Glenda. And I will attempt to update this blog on a fairly regular basis! Hopefully next time my sense of humour will have returned along with my appetite!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Step 3, Meet your Oncologist!

Well, this week I got to meet my Oncologist. Dr Joy (yes, that really is his name!) is a very nice man and I felt very positive when I left. City Colleen was with me and her extraordinary note taking has been immensely helpful. And she has volunteered to attend Chemo Class with me today!

There are not words appropriate enough to express my gratitude to Colleen and indeed everyone who calls, visits, sends cards/emails. I am in awe of all of you and I appreciate your communications!

My treatment plan goes as follows:
3 treatments once every 3 weeks of a cocktail called FEC (should by yuck! LOL) for a total of 9 weels.
3 treatments once every 3 weeks of a drug called Taxotere for another total of 9 weeks.

Tamoxifen 1/day for the next 5 years.

Radiation therapy: 5 days a week for 5 weeks.

Well, at least now I know what I'm doing for my summer vacation!
I start Chemotherapy on St Patricks Day, so I am going to consider that a lucky day to start. I am part Irish after all. And if I turn green I'll be appropriately coloured for the day :-)

I also have started counselling. I think this will help me to deal with the many changes that are going to be happening as well as help me plan for the future. I am thinking this may not be a good time to buy life insurance ?

And I plan to start work on my long delayed thesis.

I will keep everyone posted via this blog so stay tuned. I am not promising weekly posts, but I will try to post at least once every two weeks.

See you soon...

Step 1b, Lymph Nodes....gone

Well, February 23 was not very far off. I needed to go to my place in Leduc and get a 'few' more things. Silly me, I was thinking my recovery would be as quick as from the first surgery.

I opted for day surgery, I really did not want to spend another sleepless nite in a hospital and am really glad I made that choice. At least the bed here is comfortable :-)

The second surgery took its toll. I am still not fully recovered, but am feeling much stronger this week (March 9 on). The path report on the second surgery indicated that there were a couple of lymph nodes showing cancer so my 'chemo free' dream died in a rather spectacular crash. It had actually died when I found out I needed the second surgery but I held on to some remnants, well, you have to think positive don't you?

At least I felt better once that damn drain was removed. And finally had some stamina to knit again, which has been excellent physiotherapy in my opinion. Much more productive than squeezing a soft ball or wall walking, but hey, thats just my thoughts!

Step 1, the Surgery

Well, February 10 arrived. Yes, I was scared spitless, but thank goodness I was booked to be there early in the morning (7 am) so there was not a lot of day to spend stewing about it.

I don't remember a lot about that day, just that I got through it. A full mastectomy is not a ton of fun, but was certainly better than knee surgery LOL I was pretty sore, and really not happy about the drains, but hey, I can do this! And an appointment was set for the following Wednesday to remove the drains, so the next day I went home.

Recovering in Calmar was good, I had Mr Milo to assist me with his gurgles and beginning smiles. He is such a contented baby, and it was also good to spend time with Janna.

Wednesday, February 18 finally arrived. I was so looking forward to seeing those drains unattached to me that I really didn't care what was involved in removing them. Turns out there isn't much involved to their removal so its a good thing I didn't waste an energy worrying about that :-) The surgeon said that everything was looking good, although the path report wasn't back yet, but the lymph nodes (2) that had been removed had looked clear in the OR.

So I was 'cured' ....well thought so. Late that afternoon I received the call that the cancer had spread to the lymph nodes and I was booked for more surgery on Monday, February 23. This was not good news, nor was the news that the MRI had been bang on about the size of the tumor. 10cm???? Good grief, where on earth was I hiding that!!!!

Step 1 was officially over, step 1b was about to begin....

The first dance step...

Sorry to be breaking this up, but I thought if I wrote in steps it is easier to read...or not, depending on your viewpoint.

The surgeon appointment was less than one week after that initial telling of the diagnosis. I didn't really know what to expect but off I went. Two days before the surgeon appointment I recieved a call from his office telling me I was scheduled for an MRI the following day. I went on my own to this appointment, they were only taking pictures right? Turns out there is a mass in the left breast too.!!! Yippee! NOT!! So another biopsy is going to be required.

Thankfully, Lyle came with me for the next day to the surgeon's appointment. His rememberance is much better than mine. The surgeon discussed the results of the biopsy and the treatment plans. The biopsy and ultrasound were indicating that the tumor (lobular carcinoma) was approximately 2.5 cm in size. Ok, that isn't really that big. But he wanted to wait to see the results of the second biopsy, which was moved up to that afternoon. The good thing about that was I wasn't going to have to stew about it for another 5 days, it would be over with. Thankfully, the second biopsy was negative.

The following week I was back to see the surgeon. The MRI causes alot of confusion regarding tumor size, now there is a possibility it is as large as 10 cm, but of course I wasn't really listening to this, just the fact that my surgery was scheduled for February 10, the following Tuesday.

At this point I have to say I have the best employer. There has never been a hesitation about allowing me time off for all those pre-surgery Dr appointments/tests and the sick leave program is also very good. So thank you!

In the meantime, on Monday I had a test scheduled called 'Sentinel Node Imaging' and then my Pre-Op Screening. A full day indeed. And then the next day, the surgery.....

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The dance begins....

Well, here we are in March. My how time flies when you're not having fun! I am starting this blog so I can stop with the depressing emails. This way, you can check out what is going on with me when its a good time for you, or if you want to.
Also, I especially want to thank everyone who is praying or sending positive thoughts. You are what get me through each and every day. Your support is very much appreciated and I can't tell you how much it means to me.

Anyhoo, the story so far....

I had found a lump in October, and of course assumed it was the usual cyst formation. I did go see the Dr and get a referral for a mammogram at the beginning of November. No appointments available until January 15! Oh well, it is just a cyst. And besides I don't have a huge amount of time to think about this.

By the end of November I realized that this likely was no cyst but in typical Jody fashion didn't really get past that thought. Certainly didn't give a moment's thought to what might have to happen if it wasn't.

Mammogram day loomed closer and I began to panic. Jodi thought I was being too pessismistic, but if you know something is not right with your body you really need to pay attention to it. Well, on the day,the mammogram failed to pick up the mass, it was found on the ultrasound. So anyone who is reading this should make sure they ask for the ultrasound as well, just a suggestion. Since being diagnosed this is something I've heard from several others, so its not just me.

They did a biopsy that day and that began likely the longest 10 days of this year so far! Finally, on January 23 I had a call from my GP that the results were in. I went to see him and heard him say (barely I might add) what I had known for a while. He was so upset, I have seen this Dr for a number of years although not so often in the past 10 years, but he knows my Mom and my sister so we definitly have a long standing relationship. He had booked me in with a surgeon that he felt was the best to be had in Edmonton. And so the dance began....