Saturday, June 13, 2009

Body Slam

Well, Chemo 3 body slammed me. I have never felt so low in my life and it has been challenging to get through. Thankfully that is behind me now! And chemo 4 is under my belt.

My chemo nurse for the third treatment suggested I speak with my oncologist about a new drug that is out to control nausea since I have driven the bus every nite after the first 3 treatments. I did discuss this with Dr Au and have tried it. And I have to say it works! Expensive, but worth it. And thank God for benefits, or I may have had to rethink trying it. But I now know it would be worth every penny and so far so good...

I am trying really hard to rest and recuperate. This weekend I will sit on the front deck and enjoy the weather, knit and read. Chemo really takes my energy and it is depressive as well. Because I was hit so hard by Chemo 3 I have now added anti-depressants to the mix. I haven't filled the prescription yet, but I will if I need to.

And now for other news. Little sis fell and has apparently broken some part of her foot. She is scheduled for surgery on Tuesday in Red Deer???? of all places to fix what is broken. She is not really clear about what part of her foot is affected, but it is in a walking cast and she has the 'party pack' of pain killers so that is good. I am hoping that Ron will set up her birthday hammock so she can keep her foot up and relax while they are at the lake this weekend. Probably a good thing she is the sister that doesn't like being in boats LOL, but I know I wouldn't let a little thing like a cast keep me out of a boat. Of course, a big thing like a picc line will keep me out of the boat until its out, the risk of getting wet is just too high, and I can't play around with that. But a cast, just peanuts..... anyway, hoping her foot mends well after surgery and she is back to work really soon!

As for me, I will again attempt to update this more frequently. The chemo quilt is coming along, but I can't find my 505 spray and I need to get the background quilted so I can start to attach the flower petals. Anyone know which box that might be in???? (just kidding, i don't even know where to start looking for it! but I am looking and it will eventually turn up!)

Hope everyone is enjoying the weather. It is +20C on the front deck right now! I am so excited, you all know how much I love the hot weather. I don't have alot of energy today, but I can sit and soak up the heat, with my sunscreen on, and finally enjoy some nice weather!

Have a great weekend all!