Tuesday, May 26, 2009

1/2 way there...

Not even sure where I'm 1/2 way to, but the chemo is now 1/2 done. And this time it has hit me pretty hard. Not sure if its because I had so long between or what, but lets just say the last 4 days have not been in my top 10.

It was nice though, to have the extra time between chemo's. I got to Slave Lake camping with my sister and her hubby for the long weekend. Its just too bad the weather (the good weather that is LOL) didn't arrive at the same time. But it was very relaxing and I really felt good by the time I got home....

Just in time for a crazy busy week of appointments. First off was the "Look Good, Feel Better" program that Glenda signed us up for. That was the day that I realized that my eyebrows have been vanishing!!! But I know how to fix that now. It was a great day and I enjoyed seeing a very short snappy little wig that I think I may just have purchase, but in a different colour. I'll keep you all posted. Hey, maybe I'll even figure out how to post photos to here, once my camera comes home (I left it in Ron's truck on the long weekend, dumb me!) and I have some to post.

Wednesday was the second last journal making class. Tomorrow is the last one and I will have mine done, its all ready to be bound at this point.

Thursday and Friday were the 'dread' days for me last week. First on Thursday I had the picc line installed. I am not enjoying this hardware, it is in my upper left underarm and I cannot get it wet. And its here for the duration. Oh joy, there went/go my dreams of going out in the boat this summer. And of course, I wrapped up the week with Chemo.

I am learning, very very slowly that I really need to pace myself a whole bunch better. I have commited to scaling back this go around to see if it doesn't help me a bit. I get so tired after chemo but on days that I feel good I tend to 'over-do' and I am having issues figuring out when its 'too far' ....suggestions welcome :-)

anyway, again I resolve to be more frequent in my posting but at this point I'm not going to make any rash promises! I hope you are all well and just want to say thanks to everyone for staying in touch. Your emails mean a lot to me, and make me feel connected, especially on those days that are not going so smoothly....

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The train is in the station

Or something. I have been meaning to post for a while now, but kept thinking I had nothing much to talk about.

I guess I'll talk about the move first. What a great team! Thanks to Anna (for her truck and her back :-) ), nephew Stevie, Jesse, Kelly and Lyle. Little sis says I need an 'clutter intervention' and she is right. I have known this for some time, it was always an issue to find the time before. Now I have ample time, but seem to be lacking in energy. But, I have been pretty good, I am going through stuff and getting the piles organized, mostly in my mind at the moment. Not so good on space just now, but it is coming.

The real issue for me are the books. I am a confessed 'bookaholic' and I will make no apologies for that. Having said that, I think I can safely lose textbooks from university courses that have nothing to do with my current interests like my intro to Japanese texts. Lots of magazines also need to 'get gone'. Of course these will be harder as they are directly related to my fiber art interests so they will take a while to go through. But it will get done.

And then there is the chemo, or not. I had my blood work and oncologist appointment last Wednesday. It seems I managed to fail my blood test which in some ways relieved some of the stress I had been feeling about being so very tired. More distressing is the fact that the one chemo drug which is particularly harsh on veins has managed to trash mine. So now I have to have a 'pick line' installed. And this is proving to be a sticking point, I finally found out yesterday that that appointment is not scheduled until May 21st!!!! My blood should be just fine by then, on the plus side, but this is putting me a month behind the finishing of this stage of the program.
Can you tell I may be a 'wee' bit frustrated?

The leather journalling class is great though. It is very therapeutic to do something that you know nothing about, not to mention it is great to be creating again. I will try to post some photos for next time, but will have to figure out how to do that. I can't imagine that its too difficult, but first I need to get my camera to 'talk' to my computer, they are apparently having a spat at the moment.

I also need to thank Cathy for putting my name forward to the 'Victoria Quilts Canada' group who give quilts to cancer patients. She is very patiently waiting for me to post a photo and it is going to get done as well, but the computer/camera issue needs to get resolved first. If any one who is reading this is a quilter I would just like to put in my 2 cents worth about what a great organization this is. I am hoping to donate some 'excess' fabric to this group for their endeavours. I also took it upon myself to request a quilt for Glenda, and hope that hers arrives soon.

Monday was a greatly productive day here as well. City Colleen came out and helped me to organize my studio. I have been working in there, although very slowly, and once I get everything sorted/organized/gone this is going to be a wonderful space to create in. And there will be room for my Nordictrack, since the wind seems to put kibosh on my walking routine most days. Many many thanks to Colleen for lending me her help with organizing my studio and helping me sort out the kitchen as well.

I will be attempting to be way more diligent about posting, I have fallen sadly behind on this but have been dealing with some mental stress and fatigue issues. Hopefully those will resolve and I can be way more chatty.

Many thanks again to all for their support. I do so appreciate hearing from each and every one of you, you are all great!

Until next time....